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Man Saves Wife From Active Shooter!

August 4, 2023

Our Defender, Chris, is a civil engineer and a dedicated family man. He has some firearms training, but no force-on-force experience. He’s picking his wife up from a local mechanic, when a rifle-toting gunman begins opening fire inside. With limited knowledge of the location, and his wife in harm’s way, how will Chris utilize cover, concealment and situational awareness in a high-stakes situation?

First Person Defender Season 12 is brought to you by Colt, Crimson Trace, Range Ready, Ruger, Springfield Armory, T4E and Walther Arms.

First Person Defender® puts participants in real-life situations with unknown attackers. Watch more episodes and bonus training features at, on Gun Talk's Roku, Apple TV, iOS app, Android app, or find Gun Talk on YouTube, Rumble, Facebook, or Instagram.

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