Eyeing Dove Season

August 5, 2020
Kevin "KJ" Jarnagin

Paid promotional consideration brought to you by HIVIZ

I’ve had issues with my front bead sight on my old shotgun. The problem always seems to reappear this time of the year as I start shooting for dove season. That issue, my sight. Now, the good Lord plays a joke on us shooters every year. Each year he takes away just enough sight to make things interesting. With the miracle of modern-day medicine, I’ve had corrective surgery, but my close range is starting to blur. As dove season approaches, I am turning to modern-day technology once again to help correct a problem.

An Argentinian dove hunt gives shooter's the opportunity to hone their shooting skills and perfect their sight picture. HIVIZ sights come in very handy when closing in on the shot.

Last year, I was fortunate to head out to Argentina for a once-in-a-lifetime dove hunt. The first couple days it took some adjustment shooting those fast-flying dove, but I got the hang of it and settled. Thankfully, that trip I was shooting the Weatherby 18I Deluxe, which features a fiber-optic front sight. Picking up birds was no issue in Argentina. So many are cruising that it would be hard to miss.

Upon arrival back to my happy hunting grounds in Oklahoma, it was just tougher on me to pick up a visual on that front bead. Most of you know, shooting dove is highly instinctive and you’re not aiming at the bird. Rather, I pick up the path of the bird and lead the bird with a strong follow through.

About midway though the hunt I remembered I’d purchased a HIVIZ magnetic front sight. A quick change in the field is all it took. The front bead on that shotgun was so bright it was daring me to look away it. That subtle change made all the difference.

What is great about the HIVIZ M-Series magnetic front sight is its ability to gather in light. There are all kinds of marketing speak I could

The two-tone HIVIZ LitePipe M-Series is flashy and functional when picking up the front sight on fast-flying dove.

throw at you, but one thing is for sure—it hasn’t stopped shining, and I trust it.

They offer different sizes, but I went with the M200 model because it fits the Benelli Vinci perfectly. HIVIZ offers a sizing chart so if you aren’t sure, CLICK HERE.

One thing I did notice when shooting the magnetic sight was the sight raised the sight picture just enough. I could pick up the bead easily, but the shots were flying higher than usual. Now, this is my fault for not practicing beforehand with the sight.

There was one more issue. I failed to notice they sell a two-tone LitePipe version of the sight. Basically, that means you have a green outer ring while the center glows orange. My thinking was that the human eye picks up the color green better than any other color on the spectrum so I went full green. Both look great and I’m glad HIVIZ offers several options, but don’t miss out hitting more birds because you can’t pick up the front bead. Do yourself a favor and upgrade. ~ KJ

Kevin Jarnagin (KJ) hails from Oklahoma but quickly established Louisiana roots after joining the Gun Talk team. KJ grew up as a big game hunter and often finds himself in a bass boat. Whether it’s making his way to British Columbia for elk or training with pistols, Jarnagin always seems to find a gun in his hands and adventure on his mind.

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