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California Enacts Nation's First Gun & Ammo Tax

September 27, 2023
Gun Talk Staff

California Governor Gavin Newsom has signed several firearms and ammunition-related bills into law, continuing his push for stricter gun control. One of these bills, AB 28, introduces an 11% excise tax on the purchase of guns and ammunition. This move makes California the only state in the nation with a separate tax on firearms and ammo, a significant development according to gun rights advocates.

The revenue generated from this tax will fund security improvements at public schools and various gun violence prevention programs, including those targeting at-risk youth involved in gangs. While proponents argue that the tax will help reduce "gun violence" and associated health and criminal justice costs, opponents contend that it unfairly burdens law-abiding gun owners. Count us among the latter.

Another impactful bill, SB 2, changes the rules for carrying concealed firearms in California. Under the new law, permit holders must be 21 years old and concealed weapons are prohibited in most public places, including parks, schools, government buildings, hospitals, places where alcohol is sold, and public gatherings - literally everywhere - which is clearly the intended goal.

The California Rifle and Pistol Association has already taken legal action to challenge one aspect of this law, which prohibits carrying firearms in most public places. This legal battle reflects the ongoing tension between those advocating for stricter gun control measures and those who emphasize the importance of Second Amendment rights.

Additionally, starting in 2028, a new law will require all pistols sold in California to have microstamping technology. This technology leaves unique markings on bullets, facilitating the tracing of which weapon was used in a shooting. While proponents argue that this measure will help solve crimes, critics raise concerns about the feasibility, effectiveness - and constitutionality of microstamping.

These legislative actions follow closely on the heels of a campaign led by Governor Newsom to amend the U.S. Constitution, which recently passed the California Legislature. This initiative calls for a state Constitutional Convention to consider additional federal rules on firearms purchases and use. However, for this process to advance, two-thirds of states must pass similar measures, making it a complex and challenging endeavor.  It is safe to say that the Gun Talk staff vehemently opposes such regulations and rules. ~ Gun Talk Staff

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